Diversity and Inclusivity at J2

We have created an employee-led Diversity and Inclusivity Committee so that we can do better for our community. This committee will be focusing on outreach to marginalized groups, amplifying oppressed voices, and creating a more educated and understanding community. While our initial focus will be supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, the broader future goals of this committee will consider all those facing discrimination and oppression. This includes but is not limited to discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, ability, and social class. Additionally, the committee is working to create specific, actionable discrimination policies to ensure the well-being of both staff and visitors.

We are still learning how we can best support marginalized groups in our community. We welcome constructive feedback via the button below.

Junction and J2’s Diversity and Inclusivity Committee pledges to actively fight against discrimination of all forms within our community. It has been brought to our attention that members may not feel comfortable sharing their experiences. We recognize a multitude of reasons why individuals may hesitate to speak out. In an effort to give victims and witnesses an additional avenue to report their experiences, we have created a Discrimination Reporting Form which can be filled out privately and anonymously via the button below.

We acknowledge that the burden of reporting disproportionately falls on the victims of the system but these insights are invaluable and necessary for understanding and responding to discriminatory culture.